Calgary Women In Energy – Energy Industry Ally Spotlight Cam Mitchell

by Kasa Consulting
CWIE Spotlight Cam Mitchell

We are proud to have our President Cam Mitchell be a part of Calgary Women In Energy ‘s Energy Industry Ally Spotlight.  Cam has been recognized as instrumental in helping women in the health and safety industry grow and excel.  Please click the link to see the full feature: Calgary Women In Energy – Energy Industry Ally Spotlight Cam Mitchell



The CWiE Energy Industry Ally spotlight is on Cam Mitchell, President of Kasa Consulting and a founding partner of Audeng International.

Cam is a COR external auditor for multiple certifying partners across Canada and has conducted 300+ COR audits throughout his career. In addition, he has led and participated in audits of some of the largest and most complex organizations and has spoken at many client, COR, and CSSE conferences.

With 18 years of experience in health and safety auditing and consulting in a multitude of industries, Cam brings a high level of value with every client he interacts with or consults and is recognized as an auditor of choice across Canada.

Cam has been instrumental in helping women in the health and safety industry grow and excel. Kasa currently employs an all-female management team, all of whom started at entry-level positions. Cam promotes growth within the company by providing educational opportunities and incentives to all employees. Kasa also works with its clients to provide mentorship to their female health and safety staff.

Kasa has embraced the fact that women excel in health & safety, and as a result, their business has excelled!

Thank you, Cam, for your support of women in the health & safety industry!