Database Management

by Kasa Consulting

It is become standard that Clients are requesting information from their contractors to prequalify for bids on projects and to access sites. Clients are requesting health and safety information, WCB coverage, insurance certification, verification of training, and to sign off on the Client’s terms and conditions.
This information allows for the Client to ensure that the contractor has performed their due diligence in assuring their company is acceptable to go onsite and work safely.

Some of the benefits of ensuring your Database is up to date with all the latest materials, insurance, WCB, COR holder info and statistics is:
• Clients are willing to offer work – clients can contact you post reviewing information on the database if they have upcoming work that is in your select industry
• Clients can review and access the information quickly – this means the client is not having to go back and forth with the contractor to gain access to what they are interested in and ultimately saves both the Clients time and contractors time
• Clients can view statistics – Statistics are a huge factor in verifying that a contractor is adhering to their health and safety programs, as well as they can see if there is trending up or down.

Clients ultimately want a contractor with the least risk on their sites.
Key benefits for Contractors are important as they are the one paying for the subscription and conducting all the work to be compliant for the client(s) they’d like to work for. Some of the key benefits include:
• Exposure to New clients – your industry selection can play a factor is potentially getting work from new clients. This is beneficial for the contractor to expand their horizons.
• Maintenance of statistics – the database can serve as a resource for your annual statistics, which ticks off one of the items of a COR audit. This also helps with your trending of statistics and can make you more aware of how your company is trending upward or downward.
• Health and Safety program maintenance – although most contractors complete the COR process, OH&S is ever changing and databases take your industry code into account and provide legislation that is specific for your industry. Databases ensure that your health and safety program is compliant with the applicable legislation for your industry.
• Orientations prior to going onsite – Orientations can play a key factor for a contractor being able to access a site as it is a Client expectation of their completion. Completion of an orientation prior to trying to access a site will save time when trying to get onsite.

There are multiple databases that Clients will have their contractors subscribe to. Some examples include ISNetworld, Avetta, Complyworks, and Browz, these are all based on the client’s requirements and expectations that the database requests of their contractors.

While Database maintenance is not a high priority for many contractors, it is ultimately important to continue a relationship with your key clients and it has widely become an industry standard.

Consider Kasa Consulting when you are wanting to ensure you are at a high level of compliance at all times to ensure you never miss out on a job opportunity!