Staff Show Case: A Minute with Sarah Jimmo

by Kasa Consulting
Sarah Collection

What are your passions?

I think with my personality my passions really change!  I am passionate about some specific dog rescues (currently a volunteer with BARCs Rescue Calgary) and I would say, although vague, I am passionate about learning things.  Anything from different religions or beliefs, the psychology in the way people think, and learning about personality traits.  I am also passionate about my family, it means literally everything to me, everything I do is for my family.

 What are your hobbies?

This changes A LOT, but I love baking, more the decorating aspect, golfing, and trying new things/activities.  Camping is huge on my hobby list, a campfire with friends is my best therapy.  I enjoy photography but don’t get a chance to do that as much.  I also tend to want to pick up random hobbies like learning guitar, knit, and picking up a new language but I also get bored easily.  I love doing artsy things like painting, and am about to take on some driftwood projects!  I LOVE a good games night (go away COVID…please) with family and friends and NFL Sunday’s are our favourite days in our house…go Chiefs!

Three words to describe you?

Creative, dreamer, spontaneous

What was your first job?

If we aren’t counting working for my dad cleaning keyboards (let’s not…), my first official job was at A & W as a cashier.

Fun fact or Talents?

I have gotten decent at decorating a cake or cupcakes and I also used to skydive when I was young and youthful.  I was also in Costa Rica for Hurricane Otto, which happened to be the first recorded hurricane to pass directly over the country, it was very interesting.  I’m also very talented with adding really random major projects to my “to-do” list when I’m overwhelmingly busy.  Yes, I’m calling that a talent.

Have you ever met anyone famous?

Not really, I met Edwin from I Mother Earth back when they were really big in the 90s.  At a safety conference I met Jordan Tootoo when he was a guest speaker, I didn’t talk to him much though.

 If you could pick up a new skill in an instant what would it be?

Learn new languages for sure.

 What’s your favorite place you’ve ever visited?

Mexico is always a special place for me but I would have to say Costa Rica, it was gorgeous and it was also the first scuba dive I was on that I finally got to see a beautiful shark!  I also love Oregon too, it’s stunning and a pretty relaxing and quiet place!

 Got any phobias?

I really don’t like snakes, they creep me out but I’m working on it.  Eye injuries really freak me out but it’s not really a phobia.

 If you won the lottery what is the first thing you would buy?

I would pay off all my family’s mortgages and travel as much as possible.

 What are your pet peeves?

Eating with your mouth open, not being considerate and respectful of others, dishonestly, and breed-specific legislation.

Kasa and Sarah crossed paths many years ago while she was working with one of our clients.  Sarah was such a dedicated and passionate safety professional for the company she worked for, it was immediately evident that she might be an amazing fit with the Kasa team. Who would have known that a few years later we would have the pleasure of adding someone so qualified and dedicated to health and safety to our team!

Sarah is an incredible team player and loves spending face to face time with her clients.  She is able to win over even the most difficult individuals on the site. Her knowledge and willing to work to improve safety culture has made a key asset to the team.