There are two types of incidents that fall under the definition of an incident for the purposes of reporting guidelines:
1. An incident that resulted in an injury, illness, equipment damage or environmental damage
2. The second incident is called a Near Miss. A near miss is an unplanned event that did not result in injury, illness or damage, but had the potential to do so. Only a fortunate break in the chain of events prevented an injury, damage or fatality
Why is reporting necessary?
Incident reporting is necessary for several reasons:
1. Reporting enables the correction of the situation and helps prevent similar future occurrences
2. If an incident results in long term leave or lost time and you wish to claim compensation from WCB, the proper documentation is required in order to receive approval
3. For legislative purposes, OH&S requires certain incidents to be immediately reported to them
4. Reporting allows Employers to trend incidents and proactively identify potentially hazardous conditions, keeping the worker safer
When should I report incidents?
It is extremely important to report incidents right away, no matter how minor it may be. Even if the injury is minor or if there is no initial injury and you feel it is not worth reporting, the incident must be documented.
Who should I report to?
When an incident occurs you should report immediately to your Supervisor. Do not fear reporting! It is a necessary aspect of creating a safer workplace and you are protected by the law.